Quotes From "The Republic Of Thieves" By Scott Lynch

A boy may be as disagreeable as he pleases, but...
A boy may be as disagreeable as he pleases, but when a girl refuses to crap sunshine on command, the world mutters darkly about her moods. Scott Lynch
Get used to gaps in your comprehension, ” said Sabetha....
Get used to gaps in your comprehension, ” said Sabetha. “The rest of us certainly have. Scott Lynch
Maybe the one real advantage to getting older is that...
Maybe the one real advantage to getting older is that you have the time to pull your head a little bit farther out of your ass. Scott Lynch
What do you think of the old boy?" said Jean."He's got a strangely sunny view of ten years of defeat", said Locke, "but if I get killed in the next six weeks, I want him to speak at my funeral. Scott Lynch
A troupe learns to play like we all learn to screw, stumbling and jostling until everything's finally in the right place. Scott Lynch
What do you do, ' said Jean, 'with, ah, "ungifted" children when you have them?'' Cherish them and raise them, you imbecile. Most of them end up working for us, in Karthain and elsewhere. What did you think we'd do, burn them on a pyre?'' Forget I asked Scott Lynch
You want a lesson, boy? If you find yourself being born, climb back in as quick as you can, because life's a bottomless feast of shit. Scott Lynch
We like what we like, we want what we want, and nobody needs to give us permission to feel that way! Scott Lynch
Familiarity has a way of filing the sharp edges off our feelings for other people. You'll see. Scott Lynch
I assure you that in all matters of discretion not involving food, we make etiquette tutors look like slobbering barbarians. Scott Lynch
Didn't Chains tell you about the Golden Theological Principle?""The what?"" The single congruent aspect of every known religion. The one shared, universal assumption about the human condition."" What is it?"" He said that life boils down to standing in line to get shit dropped on your head. Everyone's got a place in the queue, you can't get out of it, and just when you start to congratulate yourself on surviving your dose of shit, you discover that line is actually circular. Scott Lynch
He said that life boils down to standing in line to get shit dropped on your head. Everyone's got a place in the queue, you can't get out of it, and just when you start to congratulate yourself on surviving your dose of shit, you discover that the line is actually circular. Scott Lynch
I’m done losing. Do you fucking hear me? I am done losing. Spare me your precious self-pity, because this isn’t a stage and I didn’t pay two coppers to cry my eyes out over anyone’s death speech. You don’t fucking get one, understand? I don’t care if you cough up buckets of blood. Buckets I can carry. Scott Lynch
It’s an old Camorri tradition for when a bunch of people are planning something stupid, ” said Locke. “Actually, we have a lot of traditions for that. You’ll find out Scott Lynch
To live the life the gods have given you, you must clutch wisely, then run. Run like the houds of hell on a sinner's scent! Scott Lynch
Only prisoners were ever granted easy passage into a prison. Scott Lynch
We don’t see the life after life as it truly is, because in our eyes it conforms to our mechanics of nature. Scott Lynch
When the sky’s falling, I take shelter under bullshit. Scott Lynch
Endure for another day, Mister Tannen, and you'll have all the foul black misuse of water you can drink. Scott Lynch